Questions? We’ve got answers…

  • It’s pilates right? It looks like pilates. Nope! Lagree is not pilates. The Lagree method combines elements of strength training and cardio on a spring based machine called the MegaPro. On social media, the images and videos make this workout look deceptively easy. Make no mistake, this is a high-intensity (meaning you will shake & sweat) and low-impact (easy on the joints) workout. During a 40 to 50 minute Lagree workout, you will perform continuous slow, controlled movements targeting specific muscle groups, with an emphasis on core strength, muscular endurance and mental endurance. You will learn that the slower you go, the stronger you get and the faster you will achieve results. Lagree workouts are known for being challenging yet safe, as the slow movements and adjustable resistance make them suitable for everyone and EVERY body. The result? A deeper mind-body connection plus greater muscular and mental strength. Get ready for a shakier, sweat-ier, sorer and smilie-ier version of you!

  • Lagree is performed on a POWERHOUSE of a machine called the Megaformer. The latest iteration of the Megaformer is called the MegaPro. What makes the MegaPro next level? You can work off the front AND the back of the machine. We call working off the back going into Narnia cause it truly opens the doors to a whole new world of working out. Still not convinced this is the best way to workout? Not only can you work off the front and the back - BUT the carriage and platforms have built in lifts! Slay. The lifts allow you to get deeper into a move with better alignment meaning it’s the most effective way to workout and reduces inflation on the joints. It’s definitely something you want to experience. Warning - this may cause a serious addiction to Lagree, muscle endurance and mental strength.

  • VersaClimbing is where cardio burn and strength training collide into the ultimate sweat sesh. The VersaClimber is a vertical climbing machine that provides a high-intensity and low-impact resistance training workout that focuses on the lower and ALSO the upper body. These 30 minute classes are a bang for the buck! You can burn twice (read that again) TWICE as many calories in a 30 minute climbing class as you can in a spin class because you’re engaging both your lower and upper body. Slay. The VersaClimber uses a movement pattern called contralateral. No need to overthink it! Contralateral is the same movement pattern you have been doing since you were crawling. Classes are musically-driven and high energy. The result? Full-body engagement, a seriously powerful workout and so much fun! Party on because this is known to cause a serious addiction to climbing, music and vibing.

  • You know how PB and Jelly are just better together? Turns out Lagree and Climbing are also better TOGETHER! In this 50 minute class, you get the best of both the MegaPro and the VersaClimber. 25 minutes of Lagree and 25 minutes of climbing. Sound easy? We challenge you to take this next level class that will ask you if you’re ready for another round.

  • LOL! YES! We have all had our first class - we know how it feels. We can’t tell you how many times we hear newbies say that they’re nervous or the machines look intimidating. Don’t worry! We got you! Your first class will be overwhelming. That’s ok! That’s normal. There’s a lot of terminology & technicality to class. But time flies by. You’ll probably leave the first class thinking: “WTF was that?!! I LOVED IT! More, more, more!” Subsequent classes will start making more sense as you build that mind muscle connection and also the sweat, shake & sore community connection.

  • If you are new to Lagree, sign up for the FREE Intro class. After completion of the intro, sign up for LAGREE 40. Classes are 40 minutes long and will keep you a majority of the time at the front of the MegaPro. This is also the perfect class for veteran students to brush up on the basics and get stronger by going slower. 

    Are you new to the VersaClimber? CLIMB 20 is the way to go! We know, 20 mins does not sound like enough time to transform your body. Engaging both your upper & lower body at the same time doubles the caloric burn and gives you the ultimate sweat sesh.  

  • This is the non-negotiable for stepping onto the MegaPro. You need them. Bring a pair to class or purchase a pair at the studio. Enjoy the fashion statement.

  • Can you do Lagree or VersaClimbing pre or postnatal?

    First of all - congratulations! Cause babies! Very exciting and amazing that you want to continue working out pre or postnatal. So many studies show the benefit of continuing to workout while pregnant with the proper reduction in intensity and modifications.

    Second, what we need you to do is have your doctor clear you for working out before stepping onto the Mega or Versa. Please take this to heart. No, we don't require a doctor's note - but we do want to make sure you're taking the proper precautions. Everyone's pregnancy is different. Honor what your body needs.

    Rule of thumb for Lagree. If you have had a consistent practice of Lagree we encourage you to continue your practice during and after your pregnancy. Yes, 100%, modifications are needed. Flag your instructor and let them know where you're at in your pregnancy. If you're just starting Lagree and pregnant, it's suggested to save Lagree for postnatal. Yes - Lagree can be a postnatal treat! Lagree is technical and requires an incredible amount of mind-body connection. Starting Lagree when you're pregnant could be unsafe as your body goes through pretty awesome and dramatic changes that affect mind-body connection, stability and endurance.

    If it's your first class on the VersaClimbing and you're prenatal, please do get the OK from your doctor. Also, it's strongly suggested that you were already in a regular practice of athletic conditioning like running. It's easy to overheat while pregnant. We definitely want to avoid this for you and the baby. If you have a regular practice of climbing or high intensity cardio activity, please continue with what is comfortable. We strongly suggest purchasing a heart rate monitor and keeping your heart rate below 140 bpm.

    Additional modifications for the Mega and Versa can always be made - just let the team at MEGAROUNDS know so we can help guide you through practice.

    You may want to continue working out but in a private setting to get even more one on one time and not feel the pressure of class momentum. You can purchase a private class pack and schedule class when it works best for you.

    Again, congratulations! We're here to support you pre & postnatal.

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